10 Symptoms of the Omicron Corona Virus Variant, What are they?


The following are a number of Omicron symptoms summarized from a number of sources:

1. Headache

Headaches can be one of the symptoms of the Omicron variant of Covid-19. Based on a symptom study by Zoe Covid (covid.joinzoe.com) funded by the UK government, it shows that headaches can appear as an early symptom and are actually a more common symptom. This study found that headaches due to Covid-19 tend to be moderate to severe pain. Then can be a throbbing, pressing and stabbing headache occurring on both sides of the head. Headaches usually last more than three days and tend to be difficult to relieve with painkillers

2. Colds

Zoe found that colds were the second most frequently reported symptom after headaches. Zoe said that when the number of Covid-19 is high, the possibility of a cold due to Covid-19 is also high. However, they emphasized that when the Covid-19 rate is low, the cold is more likely to be caused by allergies or other diseases. It's hard enough to name a cold as a common definitive symptom mainly during winter.

3. Sneeze

Zoe's study found that sneezing is usually more of a sign of Covid-19 in people who have been vaccinated. Although they stress that sneezing is more likely a sign of a cold or allergies. So sneezing is not a common symptom.

4. Sore throat

Sore throats in COVID-19 usually tend to be milder and last no more than 5 days. So if the sore throat lasts longer, it may be due to other reasons. Zoe's data shows those with Covid-19 typically report sore throats although this is common in adults.

5. Loss of smell

So far, loss of smell has been the strongest indicator of Covid-19 infection. But this is likely to change, so a person does not need to lose their sense of smell completely when infected. A number of experts believe that loss of smell and/or taste does not occur in Omicron 6 patients. Continuous cough Continuous coughing has been agreed to be the main symptom of Covid-19. Persistent cough means coughing multiple times a day for half a day or more. As for Covid-19, it is usually a dry cough and rarely coughs up phlegm. A persistent cough usually arrives about a few days after the illness and usually lasts for four or five days.

7. Fatigue

Quoting from IndiaTimes Omicron symptoms are similar to the previous variant, namely Omicron can cause fatigue or extreme fatigue. A person may feel tired, experience low energy and may have a strong desire to rest, which can interfere with daily activities. However, it is important to note that fatigue may arise from other reasons and health problems as well. So to make sure you need to do a test to confirm the condition.

8. Itchy throat

According to South African doctor Angelique Coetzee, individuals infected with the Omicron variant tend to complain of an "itchy" throat. However, the itching that occurs seemed unusual. So that itchy throat that appears will make a person feel uncomfortable.

9. Mild fever

In the Omicron variant, the fever that occurs has a less lasting effect than the previous variant. According to Coetzee, the variant induces a mild body temperature so that the body can slowly recover on its own when experiencing a fever.

10. Night sweats

South African Department of Health update, General Physician Unben Pillay suggested that night sweats be included as a symptom of the new Omicron variant. This night sweats appear in such profusion that clothes and bedding get wet even when lying in a cool place. It should be noted, to find out for sure whether someone has the Omicron variant of Covid-19, the best way is to do a test to be sure.

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